Into Leon
Back in a top bunk, posting before I get up. Totted up that I have walked 230km in the last week, and now have just 350 km to go.
Yesterday's walk was mainly along the side of a quiet road, along more plateau, however, mountains have appeared ahead (they have always been to the north), and the landscape will change in 2 or 3 days.
There were only 2 villages along the 34 km. I walked yesterday, do long stretches again.
I was going to gloss over yesterday and today, but they are a part of the reason that I am here so that would be foolish. Yesterday was John's birthday, and today is the first anniversary of his death. Ali and Will have gone to Winchester for the weekend, to visit the Close and Cathedral where John was brought up. I had a bit of a blub in a lovely little garden of a bar, but was rescued by Maria. We had another beer and a chat, then I walked a wonderful totally solitary 13km along the Mesita, it has its uses. Arrived at my albergue to find they had given my bed away, but fortunately found another v. quickly and had a good evening with some Aussies and Canadians, again!
Shortish walk into Leon this morning. I am staying there, will do some sightseeing and hopefully have a wonderful lunch at a good restaurant. More later.
Dull walk into Leon, mainly Along the side of roads. Arrived in Leon just after 1:00, and what a change. From the emptiness of the last few days the city was bulging with people and life. It is a special celebration of the city apparently, and half of Spain turned up. The centre of the city is lovely and it has been beautiful weather. The bars and restaurants spilled everywhere. I picked a restaurant on the corner of the cathedral square, and had an amazing lunch, including white beans and tripe stew. After a quick turnaround I went to the pilgrims mass at the cathedral, sadly in a side chapel, as the cathedral was still open for paying punters. Outside the cathedral there was a rock band playing, with bagpipes, alternating with a tradition pipe band. Very strong Celtic connection I believe. Overall it was a good way to spend today. Have retired to my room as back to the serious walking tomorrow and another early start.
Mairi wrote a lovely poem for today (which made me blub again over my coffee and croissants, but in a good way), I will include it at the end of the blog. Thank you.