Travelling through Navarra
First of all the Bridget Jones statistics (BJS), not fags and chardonnay, but tramping. 30 km and about 500m elevation.
Lovely supper last night, lots of carbs, which is good. Met the first Brits, they were Welsh, Hev and his mum. Hev did the Camino in 2014 in 24 days. He has returned with his probably late 70's mum, who doesn't look terribly fit, but walks regularly at home. She wants to see some of the Camino, so there is some walking and some taxiing. I caught up with them this morning, they left at 7, i left a 8:40, but they were almost 15 km from where we stayed, with a bit further to go
Otherwise I had a lovely long walk along fairly narrow woodland paths, with quite a bit of up and down. The latter 2/3 rds has been along the river, I think I went over the bridge where Martin Sheen lost his backpack in the film.
It rained this morning, but a lovely cafe appeared at exactly the right moment. I managed to buy a new tee shirt and a waterproof cover for my pack a bit further down the line in Zubiri. The lovely man gave me a Camino necklace.
Towards the end if the afternoon I could see a nasty storm coming in from the west. I did a very quick march for the last 3km to my destination here at the municipal hostel in Villava, right on the river Ulzama. Pamplona is only 5 km along, but I will stay in Puenta de Reina tomorrow, which I hear is lovely.
Over the last couple of days I have noticed a lot of motorbikes, not surprising given the Pyreneen roads and the bendy roads here in the foot hills. I forgot that I was here on a motorbike 40 years ago. We drove from Antibes to San Sebastian, via Pamplona in one day. It poured down most of the day. A very kind patron took us into his hotel at midnight in SS. It was the first night on a bed in 8 weeks. We had camped for the whole time.
I am feeling increasingly like Forrest Gump, but more of that tomorrow.